Fail Quotes

Started by Travis Retriever, October 17, 2009, 03:00:20 PM

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Quote from: Lord T Hawkeye on August 28, 2013, 11:07:45 PM
*puts a loonie on the desk*

Okay, oppress me!


Or, as Perchik and Tevye put it:

Perchik: Money is the world's curse.
Tevye: May the Lord smite me with it. And may I never recover.

Tevye: I understand that there is no shame in being poor, but it is no great honor, either.

(None of these FotR quotes are fail, BTW.)

Quote from: FSBlueApocalypse on August 29, 2013, 01:05:10 PM

"well how did you get the machines?"

"I took a loan and risked losing everything."
Avatar image by Darkworkrabbit on deviantart

Quote from: AnCapBrony on August 30, 2013, 09:24:05 AM
"well how did you get the machines?"

"I took a loan and risked losing everything."

Exactly! How could he sell the products to buy the machines when he has to buy the machines to make the products in the first place?

It's just more Labor Theory of Value bogosity.

Quote from: MrBogosity on August 30, 2013, 09:30:54 AM
Exactly! How could he sell the products to buy the machines when he has to buy the machines to make the products in the first place?

It's just more Labor Theory of Value bogosity.

"How did you get the machines?"

"I payed workers to make products so I could sell them."

"Out of thin air?"
Avatar image by Darkworkrabbit on deviantart

Quote from: D on August 28, 2013, 02:42:59 PM

Stick to actual science Neil.

Greatkingrat88 over at Deviantart tried to defend Neil's position after BlameThe1st derided it.

Neil Degrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist. I think he knows what he's talking about- if he disses the social sciences, then he probably knows better than you do. Where, I wonder, is your degree in astrophysics?

I literally did a 2x Facepalm Combo upon reading this. This isn't the first time Greatkingrat88 has taken issue with BlameThe1st's positions, but a statement like this makes me think he/she is just doing it to be contrary.
Failing to clean up my own mistakes since the early 80s.

1. There really isn't enough of Degrassi's opinion there to form an opinion about his opinion.
2. That Social Science is not actually Science is a commonly held opinion. (I'm not sure one way or the other; although case studies, and polls and such seem to be a big part of SS, and I'm told that those are not scientific.)
3. It's entirely possible Degrassi's point was to not confuse social science with science (see 2)
4. There does seem to be a somewhat anti-capitalist tilt in many middle school social studies texts (I don't remember having "social studies" in high school).
5. A degree in field X does not make you an expert in things not related to X. In this case, how does a degree in astrophysics=expert in sociology?

Everything said by shchpendrop here


Quote from: Skm1091 on August 30, 2013, 03:15:03 PM
Everything said by shchpendrop here

Dang it! Beat me to it! :P
"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world—'No. You move.'"
-Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 537


Yeah, I hope that unemployment was worth doubling the pay of whoever is left after they lay people off.

August 30, 2013, 08:00:26 PM #4121 Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 08:15:17 PM by nilecroc
Quote from: D on August 30, 2013, 06:46:17 PM

Yeah, I hope that unemployment was worth doubling the pay of whoever is left after they lay people off.
So I take it they failed economics their Senior year?

Quote from: nilecroc on August 30, 2013, 08:00:26 PM
So I take it they failed economics their Senior year?

Knowing how economics in public schools works today, they probably passed with flying colors.

This picture is not the fail quote (it's actually a fav):

The comments in the reddit thread, however, are:
Quotepeace_kitty: Big government is not the problem. The government of the United States is not big. It's not big enough to protect us from big businesses. It's not big enough to educate all our children properly. It's not big enough to protect us from our own criminals. It's not big enough to provide healthcare and essentials to those in need.

BlameThe1st: Big government IS the problem. The government of the United States IS big. It's big enough to force airline passengers to undergo strip searches and invasive pat-downs before boarding a plane. It's big enough to target citizens for indefinite detention, lethal force, and drone strikes without even so much as clear evidence against them. It's big enough to overfill our prisons with citizens whose only crime is smoking a plant. It's big enough to spy on citizens while prosecuting or pursuing citizens who leak its own secrets. It's big enough to force citizens to purchase health insurance regardless of whether or not they can afford it. It's big enough to seize journalist phone records. It's big enough to monitor political groups. It's big enough to invade the world in the quixotic quest to spread democracy.

Yes, the government is big and it is a problem! Claiming otherwise is to admit you have been sleeping for the past year or decade or century.

thefuckdude: Yeah, that's bullshit. The problem is not the government but the corporations. The cartoon your posted yourself depicts that.

BlameThe1st: No, the cartoon depicts the government and corporations as one entity, which they are.

Corporations are not the problem. They are the symptom. Government is the problem.

How do you solve the problem of business in government? Get government out of business!

thefuckdude: Umm, no, get the corporations out of the government is definitely the way to go. They control the public opinion.

BlameThe1st: Only because the government has the power to manipulate the market. Why else do you think they spend so much lobbying it to tilt things in their favor? Would they bother doing so if government didn't have that power?

No Sovereign but God. No King but Jesus. No Princess but Celestia.

Quote from: D on August 30, 2013, 06:46:17 PM

Yeah, I hope that unemployment was worth doubling the pay of whoever is left after they lay people off.

You want to know what's the Irony. The politicians who would vote for the raise in the minimum wage are the same ones debasing the value of the dollar.

Didn't Shane say that if wages kept up with productivity the wage should have been 22$ an hour, but it isn't because the government taxed and inflated it the other 13$ out existence? Correct me if I'm wrong here.