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Started by Travis Retriever, October 17, 2009, 03:00:20 PM

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Quote from: evensgrey on March 18, 2013, 11:39:31 AM
The page came up with a Colloidal Silver ad on it.  'Nuf said.
Natural News could get taken over by creationists and be more accurate.

Quote from: MrBogosity on March 18, 2013, 11:46:46 AM
Natural News could get taken over by creationists and be more accurate.

Could get taken over by creationists?

They ARE creationists!

Quote from: D on March 18, 2013, 11:53:59 AM
Could get taken over by creationists?

They ARE creationists!

So, They support turning people into smurfs and believing in homicidal creators.
"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
Lao Tzu

March 18, 2013, 01:06:33 PM #2913 Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 04:04:09 PM by D

A girl was raped? That's not the tragedy! The REAL tragedy is the loss of the potential football career of these two boys!

I'll throw this comment with it from another forum:
QuoteAnd yeah nobody cares that a 16 year old was drinking alcohol or anything, just because she was raped.
That's cool. Lets just ignore that. The legal drinking age in Ohio isn't 21 or anything. Yeah. That's alright man, she was raped, let's ignore the law and just bust these guys.

I'm also adding THIS comment as well:
QuoteUnderage drinking is not necessarily always a victimless crime, though. Had this girl been sober, do you think things would've gotten this far?

As much as those jocks took advantage of her, drinking landed her in the situation.

Even if not jail time, the proper ethics of law would require she receive the appropriate punishment for her actions, despite what happened to her. It's just one of those situations where people are so focused on the rape that they forget that though.

And with THIS new comment, we truly see the disgusting face of statism:
QuoteThe only reason these boys are being punished is because the government frowned upon it.

Just because something is a victimless crime doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed, the law stands and the law shouldn't be ignored just because people don't wanna hurt poor babby's feelings.
Nobody cares about your emotions or "its not a real BAD crime" hogwash. The people who have and sell marijuana, technically don't hurt anyone either, but they still get arrested for it, and sometimes sent to jail for it.
The fact is, it is a real crime under the law and for that reason it should be addressed, not ignored.

I don't care if she gets a slap on the wrist or thrown in jail, I want it addressed. I'm not looking for some kind of equalizer, neither am I trying to show she's just as bad as the boys because she obviously isn't.
She did something illegal, it should be addressed.
Not being addressed shows how weak people are because they don't wanna hurt someones feelings.

Quote from: D on March 19, 2013, 02:26:02 PM

How many of them got killed in the process (so far)?

Quote from: evensgrey on March 19, 2013, 05:44:11 PM
How many of them got killed in the process (so far)?

a better question would be: "what liberty? that of being killed by insurgents?"
"All you guys complaining about the possibility of guy on guy're also denying us girl on girl.  Works both ways if you know what I mean"

-Jesse Cox

"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
Lao Tzu

Quote from: R.E.H.W.R. on March 20, 2013, 03:45:58 AM

A "neo-confederate libertarian"??? Is he a tall short guy, too?

Arguing on another forum over this whole $22 minimum wage fiasco.

My post
"Decided to look up the source of the $22 hour minimum wage claims (

Per his own analysis
Actual MW: $7.25
CPI-U: $10.52
CPI-U-RS: $9.22
1/2 average wage: $10.01
1/4 productivity: $12.25
1/2 productivity: $15.34
Full producitivty: $21.72

Here's the thing I'm not seeing. You can cry productivity until the cows come home. However, if you're not trying to take into account growth in technology to improve effeciency than whatever measurement you're using is complete BS."

The reponse
QuoteWell, I think we have another candidate for the Jabberwocky award (dont put the trophy on the mantlepeice just yet, I-10)  So do you suggest sending payments to this Mr. Growth in Technology? Or do you think that the original baseline of work in 1960 was also the result of a technology enabled workforce?  You know, electric lights, automobiles, typewriters, sorters, etc?

What exactly is your point here?

Also from the same guy when an owner of a local resturant said he would close shop immediately if there was a $22/hr minimum wage
Quotewould your business suffer, really, joe?  If even poor people were making 22 bucks an hour?

Seems like you would have a lot more potential customers.

Quote from: FSBlueApocalypse on March 20, 2013, 11:01:37 AM
Per his own analysis
Actual MW: $7.25
CPI-U: $10.52
CPI-U-RS: $9.22
1/2 average wage: $10.01
1/4 productivity: $12.25
1/2 productivity: $15.34
Full producitivty: $21.72

What were the figures for 1960, when MW was $1?

Thats another thing that is BS about the report. It doesn't even mention what the original baseline was outside of one graph. It plays the good ole "Well you go find it" card. The figures I quotes were supposedly if the $1 MW kept up with worker production, by 2012 worker production statistics the MW should be $22 a hour.

My arguement was that I can't find anything that shows where these worker production numbers show any kind of control for the increasing technological innovation. If McDonalds figures out a way to cook twice as many burgers between 1960 and now, that doesn't mean automatically the guy flipping the burgers deserves to be paid twice as much.

"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
Lao Tzu

Quote from: R.E.H.W.R. on March 20, 2013, 03:14:11 PM

which is funny, because he isn't watering anything: he's spraying pesticide or some other chemicals.
"All you guys complaining about the possibility of guy on guy're also denying us girl on girl.  Works both ways if you know what I mean"

-Jesse Cox