Fav quotes

Started by Lord T Hawkeye, September 19, 2009, 01:02:11 AM

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LTH does it again with this video:

I don't like that this guy is a Romney supporter, but this is an interesting look at abortion I never thought of.

"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
Lao Tzu

October 13, 2012, 10:32:39 PM #2058 Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 07:10:15 PM by D
Quote from: R.E.H.W.R. on October 13, 2012, 01:33:43 AM
I don't like that this guy is a Romney supporter, but this is an interesting look at abortion I never thought of.


The problem with this video is he looks at it completely wrong. The fact is, what is under a woman's skin is her property. If she chooses to have the child, wonderful, but she should not be forced to carry the child if she does not want to. If she is forced to maintain the child against her will, then the child is nothing more than a parasitic invader. Is it the fetus' fault? No. Is it fair? Well, you can definitely make an argument that it isn't, but it doesn't matter. The fact is, however, that the mother has to have ALL of the say because of the simple fact that it is her body. This is why couples shouldn't just jump into bed together arbitrarily without either discussing the potential repercussions beforehand or simply carry some form of protection (condom, taking birth control, etc.) Do I feel bad for this guy? Of course, I do. He was looking forward to being a father. If he really wanted to be a father, then he should have had a discussion with the woman he had sex with before having sex with her to make his intentions very clear and if she agreed to it, wonderful, and if not, well then maybe they need to meet other people. Now of course we both know that accidents happen and sometimes people are just lost within their passion, but either way, it doesn't change the fact what is under her skin is her property.

A Roman soldier named Mascius in the HBO series Rome being told he shouldn't save a friend because of how it would effect Julius Caesar.

Vorenus "You're not thinking politically".

Mascius "I fuck politically in her fat ass."

 "Lady just asked Mitt Romney: "What's the difference between you and George W. Bush?" Great question. Now ask Obama!"

Julie Borowski

Quote from: Goaticus on October 16, 2012, 11:53:17 PM
"Lady just asked Mitt Romney: "What's the difference between you and George W. Bush?" Great question. Now ask Obama!"

Julie Borowski

if you can, send her my warm regards. If she's at a managerial position at a geology company, tell me, and I'll send my resume.
"All you guys complaining about the possibility of guy on guy relationships...you're also denying us girl on girl.  Works both ways if you know what I mean"

-Jesse Cox

It said that its true. Imagine if we had a drinking game where you took a shot every time the NDAA wasn't mentioned?

"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
Lao Tzu

Hawkeye does it again.



Favorite for the concept, everyone who commented in the interviews failed.

This is surprisingly well done, considering the short time available for it and the target audience.


Quote from: evensgrey on October 19, 2012, 08:31:45 AM
This is surprisingly well done, considering the short time available for it and the target audience.



couldn't resist.
"All you guys complaining about the possibility of guy on guy relationships...you're also denying us girl on girl.  Works both ways if you know what I mean"

-Jesse Cox


While I may not believing voting is legitimate, the current one does present a nice way to test people if nothing else.
I recently heard that the word heretic is derived from the greek work heriticos which means "able to choose"
The more you know...

Needed to be said: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/oct/22/libertarians-are-not-corporate-apologists/

"Most people would probably be surprised at the libertarian stand on corporations. In a libertarian society, they wouldn't exist. Corporations are creatures of the state. They are created by the government and endowed with privileges that individuals do not have. This contradicts a fundamental premise of libertarianism, that all people are created equal and have equal rights."