Quote from: Travis Retriever on July 31, 2014, 03:43:35 AM
And +Lucas Howes flat out lying about my posts. /sigh
So he bitches about me and others arguing about an ice cream video...while he participates. And he trolled me. Blah. This is what happens when you post late at night without sleep. But yeah, for the bigoted comments "HUR DUR YOU AUTIST!" etc he gets blocked and reported. Bigoted douche.
When these people are consistent and actually start calling out the organic food, the cage free/'cruelty free', non-GMO and other scams and examples of what I call Gourmet Bling (much love to Cracked.com for that phrase), I them more seriously. Until then, I'll take them about as seriously as a morbidly obese man selling a diet book. Of course it's always the generic, cheapo brands/foods they go after (as Dallen mentioned). Never the fancy hoity toity crap like Spanish Souffle (1/4+ a stick of butter in every serving).
Folks, if you're gonna play the "WAH THAT'S DISGUSTING AND BAD AND SHOULDN'T BE EATEN!" moral outrage card, go all the way, or go home. This selective (fake) indignation crap is complete bogosity.
A lot of the time the only way that Organic food is in any way an improvement in quality based on the price is if you can buy it VERY locally, meaning that the transport time is short enough that produce picked ripe can actually make it to the market in a sellable state. Most produce organic or otherwise is usually picked green in order to ensure as long of a transport chain as possible. In fact the longer it has to travel the lower in taste it will have. There are fruits that have to picked without being ripe first(such as pears and avocados) but those are limited. Even some that can be fine green, like apples, are better picked ripe off the tree.
When it comes to "cage free" or any other marketing buzz because the regulations are only strict when it comes to organic those can mean nothing more then a building where the animals are kept just standing around. Free range can just mean they open the door once a day. Pasture raised they at least have to let them out of the building once a day.
Natural food isn't necessarily any better then other food. It is true that the more something is processed the less it contains of the original nutrition. However this does not mean that the food is devoid of anything other then starch. The only thing that makes brown rice different then white rice is the bran coat is still on the grain so it takes longer for the grain to cook and soften. It still has just the same amount of starch in it.
I wouldn't recommend trying to live on just rammen noodles(or any other single food type) either.