Huawei is suddenly everywhere

Started by evensgrey, April 06, 2019, 04:08:24 PM

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Has anyone else noticed that, about the time that several countries started to question the saneness of allowing an entity controlled by the Chinese Communist Party to supply infrastructure for cell phone networks (and the US has started criminal proceedings against company officers), Huawei is suddenly pushing their phones HARD on YouTube ads (which is especially interesting since YouTube is one of the many sites banned and blocked in China)?  I don't t hink I saw ANY of their ads on YouTube before this calender year, now they're EVERYWHERE!  They've been on YouTube for years (the oldest video on what appears to be their main channel is the "Huawei's IDEOS Smartphone Trailer" video, which is dated Aug 24, 2010), but until a few months ago I wasn't seeing any ads from them.

I particularly like this rather amusing ad (that you wouldn't get on TV in most countries, considering what isn't on screen from about 1:04 to 1:08).  A Chinese company can make a mighty entertaining ad when they don't have to care what the CCP thinks of it.
